Saturday, July 26, 2008


i went to the canvas CIP. made these shoes , some are made by the children!
nice right? we are supposed to make 1000 of them but now only like 200. oh well , will be selling them soon. support me k? >.>

what will you do if your computer screen becomes like this when u on it.
ans: you freak out and shout: " OMG WTH IS HAPPENING!?"
MY SEXY SEXY new reactive bowling ball. bomb bomb yeah the colour?

loads of hand-made shoes!!!! =)
nice water bottle? it's brand is Nalgene.this water bottle rocks man! although it's not the normal nike bottle which everyone's buying but this shows tht i am special! ah well..
my new bag!!! nice? actually this pic doesn't do it justice. yup! it's the common brand INK bag.going to buy another bag DICKENS at century. the white base with loads of stars ... ITS GONNA BE MINE LATER..

oh!!! i bought a new sports shoe! at 77th street.with crystal buckles on it!

damn nice N SEXY i tell ya.but it's gona arrive on mon. i hope so..

my mom collecting it. the toal price is like bomb bomb to me.

its like $133 dollars!!
bomb bomb right? yup yup. gona tresure this shoes man.

will not let it become like my adi zero mum wash till got one hole lei!like wth can?!
AARRGGHH!!!!DAMN exp la. like $122 dollars for tht shoe and like within 7 mths its gone. -.-



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