Tuesday, February 14, 2012


when confronted, i told a lie. i lied about everything. the truth is i can't tell you the truth and see you die.
you asked me qns and telling me that it was all a test. i grew up to think that money is god and if i want to earn that, i need to study hard.

and you are here telling me that i singaporeans have no life and study too hard and work too hard that we dont enjoy life enough?

of course you all know my counter rebuttal to it. but the thing is, i have not learnt to enjoy life with not being rich. literally like, who the hell still offers to "support" the girl?

like i am seriously stunned and chua tio when you insist of supporting me? then i will lose my independence and wth? i feel very uncomfortable about it!

unless of course, if i want a car and some branded stuff and you could buy it for me so easily? like i don't know how to put forward the point that, it is not that you are not able to support me but i feel fucking weird to ask people for money. NO?!

LIKE i don't super super care how much the person earns, he may earn up till $15,000 or $5000 a mth or even have so much money in his bank. but, asking for money is like beggar? or like some faggot dunno how to earn own money.

like are you able to provide me for my own salary? like literally, 3-5k? a mth? LOL. of course all these just swirlled in my head and all did, was shake my head in disappointment and let out a sigh. because i learnt not to be too hot headed and in the end, i kept thoughts in my own head because i didn't bothered to say it because i didn't think the person would understand.

and, asking me to live in california after my studies? like.......... woah, you think this is some adventure camp?

probably foreigners really hate Singapore style of life. VERY HECTIC AND NO LIFE. but this is where we are born. we are sooo used to it. that maybe a better life overseas feels weird?


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