Thursday, February 9, 2012

be a courageous fool?

we always said fools are always the happiest people on earth because they do not know the reality of life. the harsh but frank reality.

i think, fools may be happy but they are unable to understand and appreciate what life has to offer. fools who choose to blind and deaf themselves can't grow and can't understand the broad wisdom the universe has to offer.

often people like to illusion themselves to prevent them from hurting. but w/o knowing we can't move forward and we won't really know if we are experiencing true happiness.

it is not right and although it is not true that i rather be upset then happy, but if i am happy just by believing the lies i spun , then where is the true happiness which people always said can be felt from the heart.

when i look forward, i can see so many things i am unsure of.
people ard me tell me to be skeptical about many things, because it may be all but a false thing.

i already knew i have to love the person in whole and not to change the person. but by being skeptical about so many things, how can i enjoy the moment.

but if i don't expect, then how can i plan for my future, how can people not expect anything. everything is expectations.

i got to admit my life would be easier if i could let myself appreciate the moment.
ITS A JOKE. but wldn't it be great?

if i were to die tmr, wld i care abt the future? no? so what shld i do? live for the future? or just be a courageous soul and live for the moment.

w/o courage, you can't go far in life. w/o planning you cant too.
such irony.


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