Sunday, September 28, 2008

damn nice movies

they are just super duper nice! initially i thought both of them are sucky as their short commercial film didn't attract me. watched with my mom at 10.45am for painted skin.

this story is very touching. it shows how a demon really fell in love and how she made sacrifices although is a stunning beauty. and guess what! to maintain her beauty , she must keep eating fresh hearts to keep her skin alive....
the 2nd movie, CONNECted watched with mom , san yi . this show can scare the shit out of you. not in ghost but exciting moments where u dunno what is the outcome . this is one damn good show for a thriller. it really gives you the frights.
suddenly, i felt so free. like seriously nth to do. i just feel as though i am waiting for my death penalty to be announced.yes yes yes , of course i am still paranoid. but my fears are almost very true!!
Today , i went to GYM , SWIM. didn't manage to cycle. AWWW..
next time when two person have a bike of their own. and of course one must know the way ard, then free time seems so fun!

haha.. ming en smsed me tht there are nice clothes at rainbow closet.(oops i forgot which webby)
anyway , will find out.

i also want JACKETS and blablabla..
ok now guess what i want. HAHAHAHA

oh oh!!! i TRIMMED my hair today at SUPERCUTS.
cut by deris. anyway , my fringe was too too long so i cut it! as i wish to haveLONG LONG hair, so must trim regularly.

btw, if u guys can't notice tht i have cut my hair, pls understand tht i went to trim trim!!! not CHOP OFF HAIR. so yeah.

MOTIVE: to keep hair long and in shape
agenda accomplished!

it will take me another 2 yrs to grow to my desired length. damn it! tht's LONG LONG time spent on waiting.

anyway, i got cut in my thumb while playing with a drink metal cap. u know those kind of things like can food , then the lid got sharp smooth edges?

this set me thinkin..
Like an enemy unknown , its takes a while to find out tht u are being harmed only when u start seeing blood gushing out frm an unknown wound. literally.


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