Thursday, April 2, 2009


[I HAVE BEEN BOWLING] x 2000 billion

hahaha. i have been chosen to represent sch in A divs! woo hoo!
anyway, i have been training non-stop.

wed-league 4 games non-stop(almost died when my sparing sucks)
fri-going to bowl

my A divs is like on 27th april
. hope i am not wrong.
even during econs lect i was like bowling bowling. why i never strike why why why.
how i can improve my release etc etc..

my mind was like goin mad.
and guess what?! for my league, my average was 139! tht's dam nice for me man.
my highest was 164 i think. girls ma.

i am so happy that the line i learned frm sj and the position was altered by my captain works quite well!!

conclusion: I MUST LET IT GO !!!!LET IT GO !! LET IT GO!!!


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