Thursday, November 26, 2009

ok there is so much dam shopping to do , come to think of it.
i hate shopping for clothes now.

probably because i am as fat as a dino.
yup no longer a pig.
but i am gonna work it out.

ok tht settles, i need to buy cosmetics cause mine had rot for a yr and clothes for work plus prom!
work is only a day after my exam! wow~

ok today at simei long john i had deep-sea grilled fish
woah the name sounds yummy right and the food would probably taste good.

it was so hard tht my fork cant poke it through and suf had to usse all his might to cut the dam fish.
well, i asked for an exchanged and the new one looked rather nice. it looked soft.
but guess what. it taste HORRIBLE

btw the "hard" fish, i gave it to my block downstairs de cat.
it stink so much tht the cat REFUSED TO EAT THE FISH!

So much for me being caring.
i told suf tht we could do a vid and post it on youtube and the title would be.

cat refuses to eat long john grilled fish.
i think it would be a hit.


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