Monday, April 18, 2011

to dearest

DEAR dearest(u know its u right)

just promise me tht we will never ever ever ever ever be apart no matter what happens to me. just promise me that u will always be on my side when i tell u my problems. just promise to hold on to me when i fall. just promise me that you and i will never be like all my past horrible bestf. who betrayed me, stabbed me in the back. just promise me you will never judge me.i need my awesome to be impartial to not judge me in whatever. to believe in my decisions to believe i have my own reasons for doing things. most importantly never ever judge me because i am so scared that you will judge me and leave me for good when i tell u my problems. its so hard for a person to really mean it when they dont judge. like those friends on gossip girls. remember what horrible things selena did and their friends didnt judge? can u do tht for me?

i think its only a matter of time i lose control of myself.when i do be there for me like u promised.

love you always and hope u do too.

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