Friday, February 13, 2009

valentine's day gifts

thats all i want to say for all those SWEET AND CUTE ppl who gave me valtentine's day pressie.

i want to thank m.e for packing those items with me,
thank valerie, alicia, jude,ALVIN Quek, rachel, Xue er, jolene&alvin hoe for all those lovely chocs and sweets!!!

well, alvin quek gave all the girls in our class a yellow rose. AWWWW... how sweet can this guy get right??


thank you sy jia for personalising a hanger for me. tht was uber sweet of u.
well, cal and charles said they were going to give me mine on mon. yeah!! sweets keeps me awake!!!

well, i gave mine to quite a lot of ppl. more than i expected.

plus my seniors.
PLUS TEACHERS! of course there are 3 selected few which i really can't think of any reason not to give them. xD

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