Tuesday, February 24, 2009

when all love is gone

when you know that you need that rain cloud to survive, u depend on it.
when its gone. its like you have officially died.

nowadays, i have heard of so many breakups here and there and everywhere.
sometimes, the guys are just a stupid bastard.

when love reaches a point when it hurts so much.
you will be wondering how could those sweet moments pass by just like that.

love.what a noble thing.
love makes a fool out of everyone.
love makes sacrificing so normal.

now, love is gone.
so, who's the stupid idiot that said love was eternal.
i will go slap the face of tht person.like seriously.
when u are in love. this is how you run and walk.
this is what your life looks like when all love is gone too.
irony isn't it?

well, hope u all understand what i mean.
LOVE. what a word... =)


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