this DVD tht i borrowed from my sch library turns out to be so DAmn nice!!
due to the reasons i missed this movie! cause was studying i think
yup yup!! now i love browing DVDs frm the library.
ok.. lame i just started browing today.
the previous VCDs were on series on the movie Omen. u know the devilish number combi?
ok touch wood.
anyway, i borrowed Lust and caution & spirited away.
ok , i am so outdated! but at least i'm catching up!
wanted to borrow the actor TODDY blabla.. u know the barber shop , then they sell human heads as buns?
damn its M18. i doubt the library would have it. =(
i can't watch wad.If get caught then ticket money goes down to drain.
ok the movie was so damn nice.
Its the same thing tht u read in the story book.
wonder if its still there in my cupboard!!
cause they nv fail to facinate me and keeping me wanting for more!
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